All participating board members will attend this meeting in person at a meeting location open to the public. There is a courtesy virtual meeting option that allows the public to participate remotely, including viewing the meeting virtually and providing remote oral testimony. Go to for information on using the courtesy virtual meeting option.





Roy M. Takumi, Chairperson

Kaimana Barcarse, Vice Chairperson

Bill Arakaki      Elynne Chung Kahele Dukelow    Ken Kuraya

Wesley Lo Makana McClellan Lauren Moriarty  


Thursday, May 9, 2024

9:00 a.m.

Public Meeting Location

Queen Liliuokalani Building

1390 Miller Street, Room 404

Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

Courtesy Virtual Meeting Information

Register to join the WebEx Meeting Online:

Webinar number: 2558 257 3820

Webinar password: joinmeeting


Join by phone:

1-408-418-9388 Call-in toll number (US)

Webinar Access Code: 2558 257 3820

Attendee ID Number: #


The Board will accept public testimony with each agenda item. 

List of documents distributed to Board members before meeting

  1. Call to order
  2. Swearing in of board members 
  3. Introduction of new board members — Elynne Chung, Wesley Lo, and Roy M. Takumi
  4. Action items
    1. Board action on the election of committee leadership and committee members 
  5. Adjournment

    Meeting material is available online at

    The Board accepts written testimony on any agenda item and strongly encourages it as the primary means of submitting testimony. Written testimony received 49 hours before the meeting will be posted publicly and distributed to Board members before the meeting. Further instructions on submitting written testimony are available here:

    The Board accepts oral testimony in person and virtually. To sign up to testify either in person or virtually, use the form posted here: If you are testifying virtually, you must register and log in to WebEx using the same name you used to sign up to testify. Each individual is allotted three (3) minutes, but the Chairperson can reduce the amount of time allowed. 

    In accordance with Hawaii’s Sunshine Law (chapter 92, Hawaii Revised Statutes), all testimony, whether written or oral, should be related to an item that is on the agenda.


    The Board provides a live broadcast of its meetings. Information on accessing this live broadcast is available here:


    If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, contact Board office staff at (808) 586-3334 and as soon as possible, preferably by three days prior to the meeting. Requests made as early as possible have a greater likelihood of being fulfilled. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate/accessible formats.



            Roy M. Takumi, Boa