For important information regarding testimony for Board meetings, please read below.
To submit written testimony, and/or sign up to testify either in person or virtually, please click on the appropriate meeting below.
Please be sure to select the correct meeting and meeting agenda item; Board members will only see your testimony under whichever meeting/item you select.
Select Meeting
In accordance with Hawaiʻi’s Sunshine Law (chapter 92, Hawaii Revised Statutes), all testimony, whether written or oral, should be related to an item that is on the agenda.
To receive agendas for future Board meetings, sign up here.
The Board accepts written testimony on any agenda item and strongly encourages it as the primary means of submitting testimony.
Please note that all testimony is posted publicly and permanently on the Board’s website and referenced in meeting minutes. Please omit or redact any personal information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, picture) you do not want to be posted.
Please note that all testimony is posted publicly and permanently on the Board’s website and referenced in meeting minutes. Please omit or redact any personal information (e.g., name, email address, phone number, picture) you do not want to be posted.
Written testimony may be submitted using the appropriate form, or via mail to: Hawaiʻi State Board of Education, P.O. Box 2360, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi 96804. Please fill out a form for each agenda item you would like to submit testimony on.
Written testimony received two business days before the meeting will be distributed to Board members and made available to the public via the meeting agenda posted to the Board’s website; a notification will also be emailed to the Board’s mailing list. Written testimony received after this point but before the start of the meeting will also be made available via the meeting agenda posted to the Board’s website before the meeting. Written testimony received after the start of the meeting, up to 24 hours after the meeting, will be processed as late testimony and will be posted after the meeting.
The Board accepts oral testimony in person and, as a courtesy, also virtually. To sign up to testify either in person or virtually, fill out the appropriate form. Please fill out a form for each agenda item you would like to testify on.
For in-person testimony: Approach the table when your name is called.
For virtual testimony:
You must register and log in to the WebEx meeting online using the information listed in the respective meeting agenda, and using the same name you used to sign up to testify on the form. We are unable to call on you to testify if you call in by phone. Test your speakers and microphone ahead of time to ensure they are working. When your name is called to testify, a prompt will appear on your screen, asking you to unmute. Click the unmute button to begin testifying. If you are not audible due to technical issues, you will be muted and the next testifier will be called. For detailed instructions on how to join a meeting, click here.
- You may use a unique identifier (i.e., an alias) instead of your real name to maintain anonymity. On the day of the meeting, you must log into WebEx with the same identifier you used to sign up to testify and must respond when your identifier is called; if not, you will not be unmuted.
Board office staff will call on testifiers by agenda item. An individual may testify on an agenda item only once, even if you sign up to testify on the same agenda item multiple times. When it is your turn to testify, state your name, your organization and position/title if applicable, and the agenda item you are testifying on.
Each individual is allotted three minutes, but the chairperson may reduce the amount of time allowed. When you have 30 seconds remaining, you will hear a bell. When your testimony time is up, you will hear a double bell and may automatically be muted. Testifiers cannot yield their time to other testifiers.